Expert pool
Call status: open
The expert pool will serve to:
- constitute a working group; including two chairpersons
- participate in subgroup activities related to their expertise
- replace a working group member in case of need.
After the establishment of the working group, a partners and collaborators group will be formed. This group will comprise international organisations that are relevant to the activities of the EC initiative on Cervical Cancer. The goal of this group is to exchange information, identify synergies that may be mutually beneficial, and, most importantly, to avoid the duplication of efforts.
Please take note that all interested parties will be invited to provide feedback on the individual aspects and/or products during the initiative activities through the new Public Consultations portal on the JRC web-hub and/or to reach out to us using the Contact us form in the footer. Your valuable feedback is highly appreciated.
All clinical, scientific and technical experts in areas related to the initiative (see Annex I), as well as patients and/or caregivers, are invited to apply using the online application form.
For further information contact:
Call documents
- Call for expression of interest
- Annex I. Expertise required
- Annex II. Guidance to IARC/WHO Experts for the Completion of DOI Forms
- Declaration of interests for IARC/WHO experts
Application form
Please read the call documents carefully before applying.
Frequently asked questions
May I still apply to the EC-CvC expert pool if I am representing an organisation, community, or entity with interest in the EC-CvC activities?
You can only apply as an individual and you cannot represent any private, commercial or national interests while participating in the EC-CvC activities.
After the establishment of the working group, a partners and collaborators group will be formed. This group will comprise international organisations that are relevant to the activities of the EC initiative on Cervical Cancer. The goal of this group is to exchange information, identify synergies that may be mutually beneficial and, most importantly, to avoid the duplication of efforts.
What workload should I expect if appointed as a member?
The estimated workload as a working group member or subgroup expert is between 2-3 meetings per month, each lasting from 1 to a maximum of 4 hours. Also, monthly preparatory and follow-up activities will require on average half- to one-day time distributed along the month.
If appointed as a member of the EC-CvC working group, am I supposed to carry out studies (i.e. systematic searches, epidemiologic modelling) according to my area of expertise(s)?
No, the EC-CvC working group members will evaluate the summary of evidence provided by independent external reviews in the various fields. Therefore, members must have the relevant knowledge to judge study protocols and results related to their area of expertise.