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Cancer Screening, Diagnosis and Care


  • Zpráva

The JRC is recruiting! (CLOSED)

The JRC is looking for Project Officers to work with the Healthcare Quality Group on activities related to the development of the European guidelines and quality assurance schemes for prostate, lung, and gastric cancer.

  • Zpráva

Jobs at the JRC

The JRC is looking for a scientific project officer to work with the Cancer Information group.

  • Zpráva

The JRC is recruiting!

The JRC is looking for four project officers to support the Healthcare Quality group in activities related to the development of guidelines and quality assurance schemes for prostate, lung, and gastric cancer.

  • Zpráva

Next update of the European breast cancer guidelines

The ECIBC’s Guideline Development Group met virtually to prepare for the fourth update of the European guidelines on breast cancer screening and diagnosis, which will take place during 2023 and 2024.

  • Zpráva

European Accreditation (EA) Webinar

Invitation to present the European Commission Initiative on Breast Cancer at the informative webinar organised by EA dedicated to the European quality assurance scheme for breast cancer services.