The scheme is designed to be implemented on a voluntary basis and covers all the relevant care processes from screening until end-of-life care. In a next step, breast cancer services compliant with the European requirements will be able to apply for certification.
The scheme has been tested in real settings and updated based on the feedback received, producing the first official, implementable version of the European QA scheme for breast cancer services. The scheme received endorsement from the European co-operation for Accreditation, the association that manages accreditation at European level. Accreditation will be applicable to certification bodies that wish to certify breast cancer services under the European QA scheme.
Scheme manual
The scheme manual is organised into two parts:
- Part I, provides the necessary information about the certification process, the organisation, management and maintenance of the certification. It addresses the process and requirements for interested breast cancer services, certification bodies and provisions for relevant existing third-party quality assurance schemes.
- Part II, includes the clinical and service requirements and describes evidence that can be provided to meet requirements and how to calculate the indicators. The manual also includes references that can be used to support the implementation of requirements.
Next steps
The European Commission is preparing the rollout and practical management of certification to the scheme and more information will be made available soon!