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Cancer Screening, Diagnosis and Care

Calls for expression of interest - ECIBC

Call for the ECIBC working group and vice-chair: UPDATE FEBRUARY 2025

We want to share with you that the appointment process for the renewed ECIBC Working Group is now underway.

As we move forward with this process, we would like to already provide an advanced notice that the kick-off meeting of the renewed ECIBC Working Group is scheduled to take place on 14-15 October, 2025 at the European Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC) in Ispra, Italy.

Once the appointment process will be completed in spring, we will provide further details. We would like to thank you once again for your interest in contributing to the European breast cancer initiative and we look forward to start our collaboration.

For any questions related to your application, do not hesitate to contact us at:

ECIBC Working Group and Vice-Chair

Call status: CLOSED

The European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC), in collaboration with the Directorate General for Health and Food Safety (DG SANTE) is establishing a new Working Group to develop guidelines for breast cancer screening and diagnosis together with requirements for breast cancer services covering the entire care pathway.  

We are seeking for expressions of interest from clinical, scientific, and technical experts in relevant topic areas (please see Annex I of the call document), as well as, from patients and/or caregivers to be appointed as members of the new Working Group.  

A new Vice-Chair will also be appointed. The Vice-Chair is expected to have clinical expertise in cancer screening and/or follow-up care. Prior experience/knowledge in guidelines and/or quality assurance scheme development would constitute an advantage. If interested in applying for the position of Vice-Chair, please indicate this in the dedicated section of the application form.

Therefore, as an outcome of this call, we will appoint:

  • new ECIBC Working Group members, and
  • a new Vice-Chair

Before applying, please consult first the call document for more information and guidance.

Application deadline: 7 August 2024

ECIBC Expert Pool

Call status: open

The ECIBC will rely on the activities of the i) Working Group, supported by the ii) Topic-specific Groups. The Topic-specific Groups will primarily work on healthcare questions, together with independent experts providing systematic reviews to develop proposals for the recommendations and/or requirements to be approved by the Working Group which will act as the decision making body. These group activities have a limited duration in time and will be published on the intiatives' website. Before forming a Topic-specific Group, the respective experts will be asked for their availability.

The ECIBC Expert Pool will serve to:

  • Invite experts to activities, within a limited duration, on specific breast cancer topics;
  • Nominate aditional working group members or to replace a member in case of need.

All clinical, scientific and technical experts in areas related to the initiative (see the expertise required), as well as for patients and/or caregivers, are invited to apply using the online application form.

Please read carefully the call document before applying.

The ECIBC Expert Pool call will remain open for the entire duration of the ECIBC project.

Apply as a professional 

Apply as a patient/caregiver